Purchase Options

Approved Seller Options:

We are pleased to announce the solutions designed to streamline transactions within the petroleum sector for first time buyers with us.

Option # 1.   For Buyers who have their trusted TSA.
Option # 2.  For Buyers who don’t have a trusted TSA.
Option # 3.  For Buyers who require to buy CIF.
Option # 4.  For Buyers who require Seller tank extension.

The challenges:

  • Buyers  who face challenges in obtaining real tank storage for (FOB) transactions and worry about paying a tank farm they have never worked with before for a TSR.
  • Buyers who struggle with (CIF) SPA refinery terms to activate the financial instrument within five days of contract signing.
  • Buyers who are unable to issue financial instruments via SWIFT Brussels System from a top  World Bank.
  • Buyers who require large amounts of products in excess of what one refinery can supply to serve their exit buyers.
  • Buyers who require a Tank Extension or Tank to Vessel.

The Solutions:

The options listed above cover all the posibilites available to make it posible for a qualified buyer to engage and conclude a transaction successfully with us. We offer solutions to the challenges listed above along with great pricing.

The Importance of Trusted Logistics


Under the Port Authority’s terms and conditions, it is imperative that the Seller/Title Holder confirms at least the readiness of the Buyer client’s outbound logistics, so that it can register and pay the costs associated with the PPOP documents that must be presented to the Buyer, who must have the financial capacity to close the deal. These are the only documents that give you this possibility:

  1. a) UDTA
  2. b) TSR
  3. c) ATV
  4. d) Letter of invitation to visit the Seller’s tanks.

None of the above documents can be registered before the Buyer and the Buyer’s tank farm sign the conditional DTA issued by the Seller which confirms outbound logistics or compliance with the product traceability policy.

In fact, if any “Seller” tells you that they can issue these documents without you paying for your own logistics, you should double check or suffer the consequences.

In short, the Buyer must prove their own logistical solvency before they can receive documents that allow them to enter and check the product inside the Seller’s tanks.

If a Buyer is afraid to pay their own reliable tank farm, the Buyer is in the wrong business.

Our Sellers get paid after the Buyer verifies the quality and quantity of the product, pays for the product and takes the title of ownership.

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