Introduction Call

Dear Valued Customer

Our dedicated Seller is pleased to confirm their availability and capability to offer FOB products for immediate spot trial lift followed by a 12-month contract, as well as CIF products to ASWP within 25 days or less. Their products are of the highest quality and are guaranteed to meet the specifications and pass through the stringent requirements of SGS testing or equivalent.

Thank you for considering Bader Aldhaen International Trading W.L.L. as your facilitator of choice for high-quality petroleum products. We look forward to working with you and building a long-lasting partnership based on mutual trust and respect. Bader Aldhaen International Trading W.L.L. takes the necessary steps to ensure that “We” are properly compensated for our efforts in bringing Real buyers to the table.

By making it clear that the Buyer pays the gross price for the product and our Qualified Seller pays the buyside commission to Bader Aldhaen International Trading, “We” are helping to ensure that all parties involved in the transaction are clear on the terms and expectations.

Buyer Requirement To Engage In A Transaction

Our Seller places a strong emphasis on a thorough and transparent customer registration process. By requiring buyers to complete and sign a pre-qualification questionnaire and provide a copy of their Corporate certificate.

The onboarding call with the Seller, the Buyer, and the Buyer’s logistics and transaction directors is a smart step in the process to ensure that everyone understands the intended flow of the transaction. This mutual transparency helps to minimize misunderstandings and build trust between the parties involved.

It’s understandable that LOI’s and SCO’s are not part of the onboarding process, as the mishandling of these documents can often lead to confusion and delay in the transaction process. By providing clear instructions on how to address the ICPO to be sent directly to the Seller corporate email address , Our Seller is streamlining the transaction process and helping to ensure that it moves forward smoothly and efficiently.


The Seller places a strong emphasis on a thorough and transparent customer registration process. By requiring buyers to complete and sign a pre-qualification questionnaire and provide a copy of their corporate certificate, Our Seller is ensuring that all parties involved in the transaction are legitimate and capable of engaging in a transaction.

The onboarding call with the Seller, the Buyer, and the Buyer’s logistics director is a smart step in the process to ensure that everyone understands the intended flow of the transaction. This mutual transparency helps to minimize misunderstandings and build trust between the parties involved.

  • The qualified Seller will present himself to the Buyer and inform them of the services we have to offer as well as learn from them what their needs are to determine  how we can best assist  them  in accomplishing their goal.
  • The Buyer will be provided four options of  FOB and CIF procedures so they can review them and understand what is required to move forward.
  • Once the Buyer decides to move forward with one of the procedure options they will be given instructions to fill out  our pre qualification questionnaire 100% and email it to the Seller corporate email for review and acceptance. The pre qualification questionnaire must include corporate emails for the Buyer, Logistic Director and Transaction Coordinator as well as the name and email required on the last page for the facilitator that brought them to the table being “Bader Aldhaen International Trading W.L.L.”.
  • A copy of the Buyer Corporate certificate must be provided along with the questionnaire. (the questionnaire will not be accepted without it).
  • The facilitator section on the last page should be 100% filled in, in order for the questionnaire to be accepted, this is our Seller way of knowing who brought the buyer to the table.
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